A complete system supporting successful, independent, self-operated foodservice.

A complete system supporting successful, independent, self-operated foodservice.

Foodservice directors are both creative and conscientious. We understand your need to balance great tasting, nutritious menus with budget and USDA compliance. Menu Freedom streamlines menu creation, ordering, daily prep, promotion and reporting to help you grow program participation and revenue.

Easy to use menu planning and nutrient analysis software.
Extensive library of USDA-compliant menus to use as is, mix and match or customize.
All required compliance and production reports for both system built and your custom built menu weeks.
Ongoing professional support.

We help inspire joyful eating!

We don't replace foodservice directors - we help them succeed!

Success Stories

Nourishing Minds, Transforming School Meals: Grant Opportunities Available!

District funds equipment & maintenance with annual budget surplus​

Successful program simplifies operations, admin review prep​

Free Calendar Menu Templates


Want a sneak peek at some of the bonus marketing resources available to Menu Freedom subscribers? Sign up to gain instant access to download our calendar menu templates, available as Word Doc and Google Doc files in English and Spanish.


Complete the form to receive download access.