Make This: Cowboy Salad

Date: March 16, 2019 Posted by Mail Twitter Facebook

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NutriStudents K-12 Cowboy Salad is a satisfying recipe that makes use of several USDA Foods/commodity foods. It's also easy to make and a versatile side dish that complements many school lunch entrees.

Number of Portions: 45
Size of Portion: 3/4 c.

Vegetable Component: 0.75 cup (3/8 cup legume subtype; 1/4 cup starchy and 1/8 cup of other)


2 qts. + 3-1/4 c.    Corn, Canned

1 qt. + 1-5/8 c.     Black Bean, Canned

1 qt. + 1-5/8 c.     Kidney Beans, Canned

1 qt. + 1-5/8 c.     Pinto Beans, Low Sodium

3-1/2 c.                Celery, Diced

2-1/8 c.                Red Onion, Diced

1 1/4 c.                 Cider Vinegar

1 3/4 c.                 White Sugar

3/4 c.                    Soybean Oil, Low Sat Fat

1 tsp.                    Black Pepper


  1. Add the vinegar, oil, salt and pepper to a large pot, mix well. Bring the mix to a boil, then whisk in the sugar slowly. Once the sugar dissolves, remove the pot from the heat and cool the cowboy salad sauce as shown below.
  2. Open, rinse and drain the canned corn, kidney beans, black beans and pinto beans.
  3. Add the canned corn, beans, diced celery, red onions and cooled cowboy sauce to a 4 inch deep, full hotel pan and mix well.

*Keep cooled below 41 degrees until ready to serve*

CCP: Cool to 41° F or lower within 4 hours.
CCP: Cool to 70° F within 2 hours and from 70° F to 41° F or lower within an additional 4 Hours

Download the printable version of the recipe for HACCP procedures and full nutritional detail.

(c) NutriStudents K-12

Category: Unassigned