Take the Worry Out of USDA Administrative Reviews with NutriStudents K-12

Date: November 20, 2023 Posted by JenniferG Mail Twitter Facebook

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Multiple choice question: How does the thought of a USDA Administrative Review (audit) make you feel?

  1. Nervous
  2. Anxious
  3. Stressed
  4. All of the above

Change those responses to calm, confident, and stress-free with NutriStudents K-12! NutriStudents K-12 can help make the audit a breeze for your program with compliant menus and personalized support as you prepare.  

 How is this possible? If you use just a single NutriStudents K-12 menu week each month, you're ensured of having a completely USDA-compliant menu to provide to the state auditor for your review. When NutriStudents K-12 lunch menus are planned and served, they meet all the nutritional requirements of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Not only do these menus give you peace of mind, they’re filled with delicious entrees that your students are bound to enjoy.

In addition to our fully compliant menu weeks, NutriStudents K-12 also supports your successful audit with helpful resources and personalized help, including:

  • An Administrative Review Packet to help you know what to expect and thoroughly prepare for your audit. It includes a handy checklist and instructions for compiling the necessary documentation (and examples of each), including:
    • Calendar menus
    • Standardized recipes
    • Food production reports
    • CN labels and product formulation statements
    • Specific manufacturers' online product formulation statements
  • Training resources on Offer vs. Serve
  • One-on-one support from our staff for your specific needs and questions. With a nearly 100% success rate navigating our clients through the Administrative Review process, you can take confidence that with the support of the NutriStudents K-12 team you’ll pass your audit with flying colors.

While USDA recently revealed they're taking a "less is more" approach when it comes to ensuring school meals are properly administered and managed by backing off the frequency of administrative reviews and streamlining monitoring requirements, these audits aren’t going away.

 Effective July 1, 2024, USDA's Food and Nutrition Services and state agencies will need only to review school food authorities every five years- rather than every three - unless problems requiring more immediate follow-up are uncovered.

 The good news is that you don't go through your USDA Administrative Review alone. Menus and support from NutriStudents K-12 are just a few mouse clicks away. NutriStudents K-12 subscribers can find support in the Training section on our client portal. If you’re not yet a subscriber, schedule a demo to learn more!

Category: USDA compliance