NutriStudents K-12 v. Nutritional Analysis Software

Date: February 15, 2018 Posted by Mail Twitter Facebook

Some of the most common questions we are asked are related to how NutriStudents K-12 is different from nutritional analysis / meal planning software such as NUTRIKIDS, PrimeroEdge, MealsPlus, etc. Simply put, with nutritional analysis or menu planning software you do all the work. With NutriStudents we’ve done it already! No menu planning required.

NutriStudents K-12 provides 100% complete, USDA-compliant menu weeks, with corresponding recipes and reports, as well as audit support, training resources, and tools to save time and money on ongoing and commodity food orders. We save foodservice directors countless hours spent on menu development and verifying adherence of those menus to federal guidelines by providing plug-and-play, chef-created menus tested and approved by kids. 

Just like districts that create their own menus, NutriStudents K-12 uses a nutritional analysis software to confirm our menus comply with the USDA guidelines. Our registered dietitian then further verifies the menus and the corresponding reports needed for administrative reviews/audits before we add them to the client portal. Because we provide all the reports and go to great lengths to confirm compliance, you may choose to forego loading our menus into your nutritional software.

Because we are not a nutritional analysis / meal planning software, NutriStudents K-12 is not required to be approved or certified by the USDA or state departments of education.

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