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Category: USDA compliance

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act provides an additional 6-cents per-lunch reimbursement to school districts certified to be in compliance with the Act's meal pattern requirements…

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Category: Time-saving tools

  Creating, promoting and reporting on breakfast menus are a snap!      NutriStudents K-12 is thrilled to introduce another new tool to lighten FSDs' workload: the…

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Tags : breakfast, NSBP

Category: Unassigned

A breakfast rack is a perfect option for grab-and-go cafeteria or hallway breakfast. Breakfast totes with grains, fruit offerings and milk can be prepped before students arrive…

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Tags : breakfast, NSBP

Category: School Food

Getting sleepy kids ready and off to school can be a challenge for parents. Most don't want to sacrifice sleep for a more manageable morning routine. Some may skip breakfast, but…

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Tags : breakfast, NSBP