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Category: USDA compliance

Is your school or district due for a USDA Administrative Review (audit) this year? As you know, these administrative reviews are a comprehensive evaluation of school meal programs…
Take the worry out of your USDA administrative review with NutriStudents K-12 menus and audit assistance.

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Category: USDA compliance

NutriStudents K-12 clients testify to many benefits of our easy-to-use system, perhaps none more so than our Administrative Review support. Repeatedly, we hear how…
If you’re due for your USDA Administrative Review this year, take advantage of our support to ensure it's a success.

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Category: Time-saving tools

  "We had our review yesterday and everything was perfect! Everything the reviewer wanted, we had ready. And we knew everything was right. She only spent an hour of the day…
NutriStudents K-12 helps clients fly through their Administrative Reviews with fully compliant menu weeks, checklists, tutorial videos and one-on-one support.

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Category: Unassigned

Why work with NutriStudents K-12?: To ensure compliance NutriStudents K-12 vs. nutritional analysis software Administrative Review (Audit) support video Is your…

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